Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Music Obsession featured on The Cadence Inc

>> Hello everyone - exciting news! I have been featured on The Cadence Inc's Media Profile feature. I discussed how TMO isn't Rolling Stone and how I'm totally fine with that, how you can't judge success based on what other people are doing, and more. I've posted a small bit of the content below, but you can see the full feature at thecadenceinc.com .

The Cadence Inc: How do you see that the role of the music journalist has changed over the years? Now that the spread of ideas and opinions is so easily presented, how do you as an interviewer/publication stand out?

Kate Russell: It's definitely hard to stand out, especially if you're trying to avoid click-bait headlines. I took two courses at NYU about this very topic, and what I learned was that the music journalist plays a different role for people on an individual level. Some readers use the music journalist like they would use the suggestion of a friend - if the writer says this album is good, it's good and if the writer says this album is bad, it's on to the next one. That was sort of my intention when I started writing - to be the person who shined the light on the albums worth checking out. As a reader, I use music journalism to show me what to listen to first. If several writers are covering the same act, I'll look into what makes them so "buzz worthy." What's interesting is the fact that anyone can start writing about music now, no degree required. The flexibility in that way is what gave me the chance to do what I do (and to be interviewed like this!) so by default I can't complain, but it's definitely fascinating to watch how there are more and more ways for writers to make their opinions known and shared worldwide. To stand out, I do what I've always done - I try to cover things in a unique way, ask questions that people are afraid to ask or haven't thought to ask. I'm selective, and I think that helps my readers trust my site and its content. So while TMO might not be Rolling Stone, I know that those who do read the articles do so with an appreciation and that matters more to me anyway.

- Kate Russell

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